Meet Your Maker
Discover the steps to begin your spiritual journey!
Ready to Meet Your Maker?
How to be Saved
we encourage you to call on His name today.

To be saved, the Bible tells us that all we have to do is believe that God gave His only Son Jesus Christ to die for us so that we don't spend eternity in hell, but have eternal life with Him in heaven.
Salvation is a free gift God offers us. We just need to accept that free gift.
The Bible says that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. That means no one is perfect. But since God is perfect, he can't stand being around sin, and therefore we are all condemned to hell, away from His presence. Because we are unable to purify ourselves to be in His presence, God created a way for that happen. He sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place. That's called redemption. He took our sin upon himself and redeemed us by His blood. He bought us with the price of the shedding of His blood, so that if we receive His free gift of salvation by believing Him to be the Son of God, we can be saved. When Jesus rose again from the dead after three days, he became the bridge between us sinful people and a holy and righteous God. Just before His disciples witnessed Jesus ascending into Heaven, He told them that He would send them the Holy Spirit to help and comfort them.
If you would like to meet your Maker now before you die and literally meet your Maker, say this prayer out loud, right where you are:
Dear God, I believe that you are holy and I am sinful. I believe that Jesus Christ is your Son whom you sent to die in my place, and that He rose from the dead on the third day. Please forgive me of my sins. Please live in me and indwell me with your Holy Spirit and allow me to live forever with you. In Jesus' name, Amen.
If you prayed that prayer and meant it in your heart, you are saved and a part of God's family. Welcome to the Family! You will spend eternity with God in heaven when you die. So you don't need to be afraid to die one day.
What's Next?
Where to go from here
- Read the Bible
- Find a Community
- Pray Continually

Read the Bible Every Day
You may already own a Bible; if not, there are other options.
- Many churches will provide a free copy. Just ask!
- Install the Bible app on your phone, computer, tablet. It is free.
The book of John and the New Testament is a great place to start your journey to a meaningful relationship with our Savior.
“So faith comes through hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17 ESV).

Find a Church Community
Find a Bible believing church that preaches straight from the Bible.
A Bible believing church recognizes that the Bible is the ultimate authority. Sermons are rooted in the word of God. Some churches aren’t Christ-centered. Instead, they promote themselves, their pastor, and/or their progressive political views. Don't fall into the trap. As a Christ follower, the Holy Spirit will stir your heart when you hear things that aren't aligned with Scripture. So, it’s important to dive into step one so that you recognize counterfeits when you see and hear them.

Pray. All. The. Time.
Prayer is simply talking with God.
He is your best friend. While you may love the people in your life, they’re human and, at times, they’ll disappoint you. God is perfect. He will never let you down. Talk to Him daily.
- When you wake up
- When you go to bed
- Throughout the day
Let Him know when you are sad, happy, or angry. Don’t be afraid to ask Him for help. And, of course, don't forget to praise Him. Get familiar with praise and worship songs. You can find them online or learn them in church. Sing them as love songs to Jesus.
If you have any questions or need prayer, call or text our prayer line: 626 . 365 . 3741 . or click the button below