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February 26th, 2025 Around the World

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Praising our Heavenly Father



What if all Christians stopped for 10 minutes at the same time and joined other believers around the world in singing praises to our Heavenly Father? What could be more pleasing to Our Wonderful Creator? And what would He do with that offering?

Join Divine Family Entertainment and our worldwide movement for our Inaugural Flash Praise Event. Make history with us and be part of this special moment in time when believers gather to praise our Heavenly Father around the world, all at the same time.

Read Praise Scripture

Read the Holy Word of God speaking His words given to us.

  • Psalm 113
  • Psalm 150
Spend Time in Prayer

Spend time speaking out loud to our Heavenly Father. 

  • Thank the Lord
  • Call out Names of God 
  • Shout the Attributes of God


End with the Doxology

Join in singing the Doxology with others around the world. 

  • Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
    Praise Him, all creatures here below;
    Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
    Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
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DFE will provide a place where people can go to find content that is uplifting, encouraging and truthful. "

Tami DeVine

Divine Family Entertainment. Guarding Hearts and Minds."

Tami DeVine